The game follows three protagonists: Michael, Trevor, and Franklin.
There are also side quests and ventures that you can do to make money, which you can use to buy upgrades. Almost every mission follows an objective-driving to a location, killing armed men, gathering information, and returning to your safe house. You must complete quests in a sequence to advance the story. Like its predecessors, its career mode will have various missions that will also act as a backbone for the storyline. Gamers who knew older GTA versions will find the GTA 5 very familiar. GTA V is an action game featuring a giant sandbox world with hundreds of unique locations.
It also takes you back to the infamous San Andreas, which hails back to the GTA title of the same name. The latest main entry since 2008's Grand Theft Auto IV, this action-adventure game will focus on the crime tales of three thugs working together to complete missions. Rockstar Games takes players once again to the world of crime with its new offering, Grand Theft Auto V. Softonic review An action-packed crime drama game